Family: Cupressaceae

Scientific Name: Juniperus virginiana Gray Owl

Common Name: Gray Owl Juniper


Grey Owl Juniper (Juniperus virginiana) A medium size up right spreading Juniper with grayish blue foliage.

Plant TypeShrubs Coniferous
Hardiness Zone3-9
Moistureaverage, draught tolerant once established
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowersnot of ornamental value
Fruitglaucous, berry-like cones
Leavesscale-like, silver gray foliage
Dimensions2-3 by 4-6 feet (H-S)
Maintenancemay need some occasional pruning of the leading branches
Author's NotesI had this Juniper near the foundation of my house (to close to the foundation!!). It endured the northwest winds blowing off a large corn field. Very nice foliage color.
Notes & Reference#01-Manual of Woody Landscape Plants (Michael Dirr) ,#144-Missouri Botanical Gardens web site (, #136-Gardening with Conifers (Adrian Bloom), #201-Conifers The Illustrated Encyclopedia (D.M. van Gelderen)
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