Family: Pinaceae

Scientific Name: Tsuga canadensis Hussi

Common Name: Hussi Canadian Hemlock


Hussi Canadian Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) A slow growing irregular dwarf Hemlock evenly becoming a small tree. Discovered in 1900.

Plant TypeShrubs Coniferous, Dwarf Conifers
Hardiness Zone3
Sunlightfull, mostly sunny, some shade, probably best with some shade
Moistureaverage to moist, doesn't tolerate drought
Soil & Siteaverage, to rich and moist, doesn't tolerate poorly drained
Fruitsmall woody cones
Leavesflat, green needles, new needles bright green
Stemsshort, dense, twiggy branches
Dimensionsone of the original plants grew from 3 feet to 17 feet from 1945 to 1970, becomes open with age
Cultivar OriginJohn F Hussi, superintendent of parks in Hartford Connecticut. in 1900.
Notes & Reference#202-American Conifer Society (, #257-The cultivated Hemlocks (John C Swartely)
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