Wildseed Tasmania, Planting Nolina hibernica


Seeds from Tasmania!

Yesterday I received my order from Wildseed Tasmania. I had been thinking about placing an order from them for years. A number of plants from Tasmania are seen growing around Portland and other parts of the PNW. Here’s to possibly adding to that list.
Allocasuarina zephyrae
Anopterus glandulosus
Athrotaxis laxifolia
Athrotaxis selaginoides
Bedfordia linearis
Eucalyptus coccifera
Eucalyptus pauciflora
Eucalyptus rodwayi
Eucalyptus rubida
Lagarostrobos franklinii
Lomatia polymorpha
Lomatia tinctoria
Olearia obcordata
Olearia pinifolia
Orites diversifolia
Orites revoluta
Ozothamnus lycopodoides
Ozothamnus rodwayi
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Richea curtisae
Richea dracophylla
Richea pandanifolia
Telopea speciosissima
Telopea truncata

Though a few of these plants are notoriously difficult to cultivate (Richea probably being the greatest offender), it is worth giving it a go. I came across an interesting resource: The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens Germination Database. They have provided germination percentages depending on certain environmental conditions for a number of Tasmanian native plants. This resource will be guiding my own germination.

I have so many seeds that need sowing now! My next post will show the giant stack of ziplock bags from all of the seeds, once I get around to getting them all in.

This morning I potted up the Nolina hibernica I had ordered from Sacred Succulents. They may look like not much more than grass now but some day hopefully we will get to see some thick trunks developing!


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