Robinson Jeffers: Writing Nature, Writing Culture, and the Culture of Writing, a talk by Tim Hunt

Tim Hunt book cover with black and white photo of Robinson Jeffers

Event Date

Shields Library

The UC Davis Creative Writing program invites you to an informal talk by Tim Hunt entitled "Robinson Jeffers: Writing Nature, Writing Culture, and the Culture of Writing." Tim Hunt is the editor of the Collected Poems of Robinson Jeffers, and the talk will serve both as an excellent introduction to the poet, and as a way to situate Jeffers' work in a 20th and 21st century context. 

A fourth generation Californian, Tim Hunt was born in Calistoga and raised primarily in Sebastopol, two small towns north of San Francisco. Educated at Cornell University, he has taught American literature at several schools, including Washington State University and Deep Springs College.  At the end of 2016, he retired from Illinois State University, where he was University Professor.  He and his wife Susan, a retired respiratory therapist, have two children: John, a visual artist, and Jessica, a composer.  

Hunt’s scholarly publications include the five volumes of The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers (Stanford University Press), Kerouac's Crooked Road: Development of a Fiction University of California Press), and The Textuality of Soulwork: Jack Kerouac's Quest for Spontaneous Prose (University of Michigan Press).  He has also published four collections of poetry: Fault LinesThe Tao of Twang,  Poem's Poems & Other Poems, and Ticket Stubs & Liner Notes (winner of the 2018 Main Street Rag Poetry Book Award), received three Pushcart Prize nominations, and been awarded the Chester H. Jones National Poetry Prize for the poem “Lake County Elegy.”

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