Happy Tree Friends - Handy

Happy Tree Friends - Handy

The architect beaver who has unexplained amputated arms, famous for getting grumpy when he is actually seen attempting to do anything that usually requires hands. Handy was going to appear in the False Alarm game, and even had a model rendered for that game (as he appears in an early pre-release screenshot), but he was removed. I decided to include his ears, as he is a beaver like Toothy and Toothy has visible ears. Credit is given to the people whose models I've used in this model. Feel free to use this in your models, but please do not re-upload this and claim that you made it, that model will be reported to Trimble if it is done. #happy_tree_friends #htf #mondo #happytreefriends #character #grumpy #architect #construction_worker #worker #beaver #handy
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