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Chamaecyparis Thyoides ‘Rubicon’


  • Size: 2-3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun
  • Soil moisture: Moist, well drained
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 1.5m
  • Ultimate Spread: 1m

Chamaecyparis Thyoides ‘Rubicon’ commonly known as White Cedar is a small, upright conifer plant which forms a dwarf like, upright structure. With lovely needle like foliage which is a soft green and light blue colour in the summer months, turning into a purple colour in the winter, colder months of the year. This conifer plant is a good choice for low maintenance planting schemes where its easy to grow charecteristics will come into play. Often grown in containers where it can be grown in gardens without grass or on patios, suiting a wide choice of other locations and planting schemes.

Chamaecyparis Thyoides ‘Rubicon’ care

Plant the Chamaecyparis Thyoides ‘Rubicon’ in a sunny, warm area of the garden with moist, well drained soil where it will thrive, preferring a slightly acidic soil type. An easy to grow garden plant which requires no pruning at all, perfect for gardeners of all abilities. If grown as a hedge may require pruning twice a year to encourage the desired shape, but nothing drastic and not always required.