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Taxus Standshii


Plant Information

  • Size: 3 Litre
  • Positioning: Full sun, partial shade, full shade
  • Soil moisture: Well drained
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Ultimate Height: 1.5m
  • Ultimate Spread: 1m
Categories: ,

Taxus Standshii commonly known as Common Yew is a dense, upright evergreen conifer shrub with columnar, erect branches with small, needle like yellow, lime green coloured leaves. Often planted in architectural schemes, and can be planted along a walkway to create an impact for visitors. Known to be a favourite in award winning gardens and famous gardens such as Longleat house and many more.

Taxus Standshii care

Plant the Taxus Standshii in any sunlight from full sun to partial shade where it will grow well, in moist, well drained soil. A low maintenance favourite, requiring no pruning at all, good for beginner and expert gardeners alike. Can be trimmed and shaped if required to a shape you need.