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Band 5+: The maps below show changes in the Spanish city of Castellon in recent times. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Image for topic: The maps below show changes in the Spanish city of Castellon in recent times. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
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The image depicts two layouts labeled "Castellón, 2000" and "Castellón, today." The 2000 layout includes a university, train station, old market, city center, and port from left to right. The current layout has a hall of residence, university, new shopping center, police station, new train station (under construction), bike rental scheme, city center, new shop, area for pedestrians only, cinema, port, and bars, and clubs from left to right. A red arrow points from the 2000 layout to the current, indicating progression or change.
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The depicted two maps represent the imperative change have occurred in the city of Castellon from the year 2000 to today.

Overall, it can be clearly seen that the whole city has experienced a significant modernization throughout the period.

A notable change has been the replacement of the old train station into a police station. Meanwhile, a new train station with tramline which has been constructed to connect students to the modern city centre with bicycle rental scheme has been built on the north of the town between university and city centre. In 2000, there wasn’t any accommodations for students, however a hall of residence has been built next to the university. It is interesting to note that there has been a knocking down of the old market which located on the west of the city near the city centre to make way for new shops.

Looking at the other side of the road, in terms of port area, it has been pedestrianized since 2000, cinemas, bars and clubs have been constructed. The forest on the north-west of the city has been converted to the new shopping centre. A final interesting development has been built of airport which is under construction at the present time.

Word Count: 205

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