Hi, everybody,

I would like to show you a picture of my Chamaecyparis obtusa “Nana Gracilis” in its new pot. I worked for many years to get this tree to were it is today and I am really happy with the way it looks. Hinoki’s don’t grow enough to become a big tree, so it really is an imaginary tree. I styled it in a way it would resemble the growth of a tall fir tree that has been battered by mother nature for many years. I think the loose way the foliage grows on this plants is a real advantage in this style, it looks unforced and natural. The underside of this foliage has an almost blue-ish colour to it, while the top side is brightly green with almost yellow tips throughout the summer. This gives a wonderful effect to the layers, like the colours and shades on a distant tree! This pot is so much better than the previous one, it gives the tree more height and stature. I hope you like the image and feel of this Bonsai?


                     Hinoki Cypres.  Chamaecyparis obtusa “Nana Gracilis”

                                          Height: 35 inch/89 cm.   Pot: China.


Hans van Meer.

Info: karamottobonsai@hotmail.com


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