2 thoughts on “Joanna Russ, How to Suppress Women’s Writing

  1. There’s also the way that a select handful of women sit in the canon as exceptions to prove the rule, and who then take so much attention (the excitement of finding that there were early twentieth century women to read who weren’t Virginia Woolf). It’s even worse in the History of Art, it’s only been in the last 5 years or so that there seems to have been a real effort to find those missing women artists and give them some visibility again. This sounds excellent


  2. I’ve never even heard Russ’s name and somehow I feel guilty about this, although I am a great deal older and tireder than you, Kate (74) and am not an academic. There is a parallel perhaps with those people who say if you say you remember the ’60s you probably weren’t there. In my own life I was reaching a stage where I was achieving in relation to the outside world at the time this book was published. But …

    Apart from reading the book when I locate it, I shall note the stages you list and keep it by me as a litmus. Here I am, trying to keep up with new publishing, and all the time there is a tidal wave of stuff building up at my back!

    What Russ appears to be saying seems closely to reflect women’s experience in the graphic arts: painting makes the headlines, but I think of the May Morris exhibition at Walthamstow this year and reflect on how the number of people who would recognise William Morris’s name would far outstrip that of his daughter who actively contributed to the design process and the business, as well as writing substantially about her father after his death.


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