Fun Facts Friday: Allen Tate

November 19, 2021

Allen Tate (19 November, 1899 – 9 February, 1979) was a social commentator, poet, and Poet Laureate of the United States.

Fun Facts Friday: Allen TateBook by Allen Tate*

Fun Facts about Allen Tate:

  1. John Orley Allen Tate was born around Winchester, Kentucky. His father, John Orley Tate, was a businessman. The poet’s mother, Eleanor Parke Custis Varnell, from Virginia, could trace her roots to George Washington. Mr. Tate inherited a copper luster pitcher that General Washington order from London.
  2. Tate started out studying violin at the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music. However, he decided to get a Bachelor’s degree and enrolled at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.
  3. While attending Vanderbilt University, the poet was invited to join a group of men who read and discuss poetry. The group, including Robert Penn Warren, Donald Davidson, Merrill Moore, John Crowe Ransom, started publishing a poetry magazine called The Fugitive, and hence were known as the Fugitives. Tate was the original editor of the magazine.
  4. Tate graduated magna cum laude from Vanderbilt in 1923.
  5. The poet married novelist Caroline Gordon in 1925, the couple was living in Greenwich Village, NYC where Mr. Tate worked as a freelance literary critic.
  6. The first book he published was Mister Pope and Other Poems (1928), the year the couple were awarded a Guggenheim fellowship.
  7. The Tates spent some time in Paris, France where they got to hang out with Gertrude Stein , F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Ford Madox Ford. Tate also got to meet T.S. Elliot, a poet he admired for a long time, while in London, England.
  8. The couple returned to the United States in 1930. By the end of the decade Mr. Tate has established himself as a leading literary man by the end of the decade.
  9. In 1943 Allen Tate was named as the Poet Laureate of the United States.
  10. Tate was married twice more, to poet Isabella Gardner, and Helen Heinz, a nun who left the convent for him.

Book by Allen Tate*

Zohar — Man of la Book
*Ama­zon links point to an affil­i­ate account, the money is usually spent on books

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Fun Facts Friday: Allen Tate
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Fun Facts Friday: Allen Tate
Allen Tate (19 November, 1899 – 9 February, 1979) was a social commentator, poet, and Poet Laureate of the United States.
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Man of la Book - A Bookish Blog
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