
Posts Tagged ‘Picea pungens ‘The Blues’’

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Oregon Garden, Silverton


As you can see, the garden is enormous: an 80 acre, 15 year old garden created to showcase Oregon Horticulture.  Because we began our tour at 4:20 PM, I wasn’t even sure we’d have time to see the entire garden.  We began by taking a tram from the adjacent Oregon Garden Resort all round the garden.   I am publishing the story of our walk in three parts together so that you can have the experience of seeing the garden all at once, if you like.

Waiting for the tram in torrential rain, looking at the garden far across the field

Waiting for the tram at the resort stop in torrential rain, looking at the garden far across the field

I took some photos from the tram as it gave us a half hour tour.  It was a wise choice to ride around first, because it let the rain slow down and also helped orient us for our long walk.  The tram driver gave an amusing and informative talk all through the drive, despite rainwater pouring onto his leg from a leak in the tram roof.

from the tram

from the tram

from the tram

from the tram

**from the tram

from the tram (Allan’s photo)

from the tram: children's garden

from the tram: children’s garden

from the tram: vineyard

from the tram: vineyard

We began our walk from the visitor’s centre (or we could have gone round on the tram as many times as we liked).  Rain still fell.  We were not about to let that slow us down.  Join us on our two and a quarter hour walk and you will see that the rain turned to drizzle, then mist, then stopped.  During our hours in the garden, we only saw six other people and those only in the last fifteen minutes.

visitor's centre patio

visitor’s centre patio

Allan's photo

Allan’s photo

Agastache 'Cotton Candy', one of my favourites

Agastache ‘Cotton Candy’, one of my favourites




Eryngiums planted en masse. As I should.

Birdsfoot trefoil at entrance to Amazing Water Garden

Birdsfoot trefoil at entrance to Amazing Water Garden


Amazing Water Garden

sea serpent

sea serpent

water seeped down this wall

water seeped down this wall




nearby: an eco roof

nearby: an eco roof


continuing on

continuing on; signage was helpful with orientation

The Bosque. The trees will eventually grow together overhead.

The Bosque. The trees will eventually grow together overhead.

Each tree has a space to fit in four pots of annuals.

Each tree has a space to fit in four pots of annuals.


The Conifer Garden. We had heard this was the best thing. And it was.

The Conifer Garden. We had heard this was the best thing. And it was.

Conifer Reference Garden

Conifer Reference Garden


Allan's photo: Tom Thumb is supposed to always stay tiny like that.

Allan’s photo: ‘Tom Thumb Gold’ Oriental Spruce is supposed to always stay tiny like that.


looking out at the bosque

looking out at the bosque



To be in this grove felt spiritually enlightening.

To be in this grove felt spiritually enlightening.

Allan's photo

Allan’s photo


This was the moment when I decided to rip out my whole garden and replace it with conifers.

This was the moment when I decided to rip out my whole garden and replace it with conifers.


Picea pungens ‘The Blues’










Cephalotaxus harringtonia 'Korean Gold' (Allan's photo)

Cephalotaxus harringtonia ‘Korean Gold’ (Allan’s photo)

‘Bush’s Lace’ Englemann Spruce (Allan’s photo)

Allan's photo

Allan’s photo


Allan's photo

Allan’s photo

Allan's photo

Allan’s photo

Where to go next?

Where to go next?

This was the last I saw of Allan for an hour and a half.

Looking back: This was the last I saw of Allan for an hour and a half.

a clever way to display picket fence pieces for backdrops

a clever way to display picket fence pieces for backdrops

The tram driver had told us that 40 to 50 thousand annuals are planted each year.

The tram driver had told us that 40 to 50 thousand annuals are planted each year. (Cleome, which I love and don’t have enough heat to grow well.)

The Lupine Fugue, looking back toward the resort

The Lupine Fugue, looking back toward the resort

and to the open sky of the west

and to the open sky of the west

Allan's photo

Allan’s photo

Allan's photo

Allan’s photo

lupines under the lupine fugue (Allan's photo)

lupines under the lupine fugue (Allan’s photo)



Next, we'll find a way down to see what is below. Because of our tram ride, I know that the rose garden is across the lawn.

Next, I’ll find a way down to see what is below. Because of our tram ride, I know that the rose garden is across the lawn.


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