Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Filicoides’
“Fernspray cypress”

Evergreen Conifer Shrub

Zone: 4 – 8
Native habitat : Japan

Soil: rich
Moisture: well drained, average to moist
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: protect from very windy exposed sites
Plant size (h x w):  15′ x 6′ (at age 10 will be 3′) (can keep pruned to 2.5′)
Other: not too fussy

Shape/stem: open, irregular (a bit wiley), upright, dense growth on branches
Leaf: dark green, blunt scales in fern-like, flat sprays or “fronds”, scales seem to grow over each other
Flower: cones of both male and females are round
Bloom: insignificant
Other: slow growing

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general;
Maintain: can prune hard (to make bushy or to keep at 2.5′ or contain into a tight shape); prune out dead; rake up needles and hose down a couple of times a year to avoid/prevent spider mites (if a real problem you can also mist them during the hot summer nights as a deterrent)
Propagate: cutting, grafting

Landscape: specimen, winter interest, to add shape or form, evergreen shrub, contrast with its dense texture, container
Companion planting: look to colors of variegation, dark green, silver or gold 
Medicinal: unknown

Pests and disease: spider mites
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 1g or bigger
Nature: slow growing conifer shrub with foliage interest
Identification (key features): compact habit with dark green foliage arranged in fern-like sprays (blunt scales); flattened and narrow tapering branches create a unique texture and growth form can be slightly irregular
Interesting facts:
Cultivars: C. o. ‘Fernspray Gold’ – gold form to above – golden foliage, rest or form and conditions quite similar