Juniperus horizontalis cvs.

Juniperus horizontalis cvs.
“Creeping juniper”

Evergreen Conifer Shrub – Groundcover

Zone: 3 – 9
Native habitat : North America

Soil: sandy to average
Moisture: well drained, average to drought tolerant
Light: full sun to a little more sun than part shade
Exposure: average
Plant size (h x w): 12″-20″ x indefinitely
Other: not fussy

Shape/stem: prostrate, spreading, ground cover
Leaf: grey-green, needle-like juvenile foliage; adult foliage scales
Flower: cones bluish, fleshy, ovoid 
Bloom: insignificant
Other: moderately fast growing

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general;
Maintain: low maintenance; does not need major pruning until it reaches the desired dimension, can prune before this to direct growth via thinning cuts
Propagate: cutting,

Landscape: specimen, winter interest, evergreen conifer ground cover, erosion control jup
Companion planting: look to colors of variegation, dark green, silver or gold 
Medicinal: unknown

Pests and disease:be cautious of a disease spreading through Juniperus genus called phytophthora (travels by water); also can see spider-mites
Deer resistant: yes

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 1g +
Nature: easy-going low-spreading ground-cover conifer
Identification (key features):  leaves arranged in opposite decussate pairs, or occasionally in whorls of three; the adult leaves are scale-like, 1-2 mm long (to 8 mm on lead shoots) and 1–1.5 millimetres (0.039–0.059 in) broad; floppy branches, spreading form,
Interesting facts:
Cultivars: 100’s of different cultivars
Comments: not dense enough in its growth to deter weeds