Taxon profile


Dundathu Pine
Agathis robusta (C. Moore ex F.J. Muell.) F.M. Bailey

kingdom Plantae - plants »  divisio Pinophyta - conifers »  class Pinopsida »  order Pinales »  family Araucariaceae »  genus Agathis - kauri

Scientific synonyms

Agathis brownii (Lem.) L.H. Bailey

Other names

= Smooth Bark Kauri
= South Queensland Kauri
= South Queensland Kauri Pine

Least Concern LC


Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Forest & Kim Starr

outer bark

Agathis robusta - Dundathu Pine

Author: Michael Kesl

Included taxa

Number of records: 2

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