Important how to care guide Araucaria Heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine as a house plant in UK climate

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Important how to care guide Araucaria Heterophylla Norfolk Island Pine as a house plant in UK climate

Do you have Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant and you don't know how to take care of it? Here you will get a care guide on Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant. These plants are very cute and little house plants which are also popular as Christmas trees and people buy it all around the World during winter holidays. Following are the recommended care for your plant;

1. Temperature

Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant is a tropical plant and is not cold hardy. These plants can neither tolerate very high temperatures, nor very cold. The ideal temperature range during the warm period is nothing above 20 degrees Celcius. Wintertime between 10 -15 degrees Celcius. Due to its sensitivity to the temperature, it is recommended to plant them in covered areas or indoor. However, it is also recommended to keep them near windows to ensure the availability of bright light.

2. Humidity

Being a tropical plant Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant needs high humidity. During the winters these plants face the great issue of humidity. Switching on central heating dries air too much for it resulting in significant indoor humidity fall. Thus it is recommended to use Pebble tray with water or humidifier to keep humidity high around the plant or just daily spray of water will do just fine.

3. Light

When taking care of Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant, never avoid light. These plants are very light-sensitive and so you must prefer to keep them near windows or light areas. These plants need direct bright light for their growth, as well as survival. So do not be afraid to place right on the window sill, it will love direct sunlight.

4. Water

Araucaria Heterophylla does not require more water for its growth, but watering it with enough water is important. Maintain a regular watering schedule to keep soil moist. In addition, we recommend offering complex fertilizers for your plant during the summer once every 2 - 3 weeks. No feed is required during winters.

5. Warning

Browning is very normal for the Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant. In case you find brown branches all over the tree, it is the indication that you are not watering your plant properly. Either the plant is under-watered or over-watered. Thus, you need to take effective care steps and use the watering process as per the recommendations. Also, it can also be the sign of lack of humidity, and so you need to first evaluate the reason for browning. Then take essential steps, required for the Araucaria Heterophylla as indoor potted plant care.

            If you are still searching for a care guide on Araucaria Heterophylla as an indoor potted plant, subscribe to our newsletter. Also, stay tuned to our website to get more care guides on different plants.

2 Responses

Zacharoula Zachariadou
Zacharoula Zachariadou

January 15, 2023

Hello, my araucaria has lost low branches (being yellow colour) and leaves from other branches that they are still green.

What I am doing wrong?
Thank you.

Carol Derrick
Carol Derrick

January 15, 2023

I was told this plant was easy-care. Needing bright sunlight, 50°+ temperatures and high humidity, it seems anything but !!. It certainly wont find those conditions all year round in my house. Sounds more problem than a small child 😁

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