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CITESwoodID: descriptions, illustrations, identification and information retrieval

H.G. Richter, K. Gembruch, G. Koch

Podocarpus spp. (Podo, Maniu) - CITES I + III

Nomenclature. Family: PODOCARPACEAE. Other trade relevant species: protected species: Podocarpus neriifolius (CITES III), Podocarpus parlatorei (CITES I). Synonym(s): Podocarpus neriifolius: Nageia angustifolia (Parl.) Kuntze, Podocarpus angustifolius Parl. non Griseb. Further trade and local names: Podocarpus neriifolius: amunu, ambay ayam, brown pine, hadjo ketong, jati bukit, kibima (ID); sentada (MY); sangching (TH); halis (IN); brown pine, oleander-leafed podocarp (US); Steineibe (DE). Podocarpus parlatorei: pino de cerro, pino blanco, pino del monte (AR, BO, PE); pinho bravo (BR); Bolivian podocarp (US); pino blanco, pino castañeto (VE); pino chaquiro (CO). Code according to DIN EN 13556: PDXX.

CITES(EU) status of protection. Listed in Annex I(A) (P. parlatorei), or listed in Annex III(C) (P. neriifolius).

Similar timbers. All species of the Podocarp family.

Geographic distribution. India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indomalesia (Podocarpus neriifolius), tropical South America, southern Brazil, temperate South America (Podocarpus parlatorei). Podocarpus neriifolius: India, Indochina, tropical Southeast Asia andean region.

Growth rings, colour, grain, etc. Growth ring boundaries distinct, or indistinct or absent (depending on growth conditions); transition from earlywood to latewood gradual. Heartwood basically brown, yellow (yellowish to light brown); occasionally with streaks. Sapwood similar to heartwood colour (mostly). Odour indistinct or absent. Wood of medium weight (0.55–0.65 g/cm³). Interlocked grain absent.

Hardwood vs softwood. Vessels (pores) absent (= softwood).

Rays. Rays narrow. Large rays commonly less than 1 mm high.

Resin canals. Normal resin canals absent.

Physical and chemical tests. Heartwood not fluorescent. Water extract not fluorescent; colour shade of water extract colourless to brown. Heartwood extractives not leachable by water. Ethanol extract not fluorescent; colour shade of ethanol extract colourless to brown. Splinter burns to full ash; colour of ash white to grey.

Additional information. • Transverse section + wood surface. Transverse section ca. 10x. Radial surface, natural size.

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Cite this publication as: ‘Richter, H.G., Gembruch, K., and Koch, G. 2014 onwards. CITESwoodID: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. In English, French, German, and Spanish. Version: 4th April 2023.’.
