Texas Tech University

Atlas Cedar

Cedrus atlantica

Atlas cedar is a large, evergreen specimen tree.  Although comparable with deodar cedar in many respects, atlas cedar exhibits more cold-tolerance.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Cedrus atlantica

Cedrus atlantica Photo Gallery

Cedrus atlantica Plant Information

Scientific Name: Cedrus atlantica
Common Name: atlas cedar
Family: Pinaceae
Suggested Uses: specimen tree
Plant Form: pyramidal, pendulous form when young

flat-topped with horizontal branches when aged
Height: 40 - 60 feet tall
Foliage: short (up to 1 inch long), stiff, and evergreen

up to 30 leaves for each whorl
Flower: monoecioius
Bloom Period:  
Fruit: cones that are 2 - 3 inches long and on upper side of branches
Sun: full sun or partial shade
Water: moderately drought-tolerant
Soil: tolerates alkaline soils
USDA Zone: zones 6 - 9
Additional Notes: more cold hardy and stiffer looking than C. deodara, but with similar problems and uses

common cultivars are ‘Glauca' and ‘Glauca Pendula'

TTU Plant Resources