Texas Tech University

Tam Juniper

Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia'

Tam juniper is a tough, drought-tolerant, evergreen shrub that is often used as a low-growing screen or along building foundations.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia'

Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia' Photo Gallery

Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia' Plant Information

Scientific Name: Juniperus sabina 'Tamariscifolia'
Common Name: tam juniper
Family: Cupressaceae
Suggested Uses: foundation plantings, low screen
Height: 3 feet (or more) tall
Spread: 10 feet wide
Foliage: evergreen, juvenile (awl like, come to a point) and adult (scale like) foliage

foliage comes out in “V” form on upper surface of branch

dark green in summer; dingy green in winter

several cultivars with more blue-green foliage
Flower: usually dioecious (may be monoecious)
Fruit: red / purple cone
Sun: full sun
Water: drought-tolerant
Soil: well-drained soil (will not do well with wet feet)
USDA Zone: zones 3 - 7
Maintenance: may become ragged looking with age
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to spider mites, bag worms, and Phomopsis (juniper blight), which may kill young shoots in early spring with wet weather

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