Texas Tech University

Pinyon Pine

Pinus cembroides var. edulis

Pinyon pine is an excellent small evergreen tree which tolerates drought and a range of soils.

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Pinus cembroides var. edulis

Pinus cembroides var. edulis Photo Gallery

Pinus cembroides var. edulis Plant Information

Scientific Name: Pinus cembroides var. edulis
Common Name: pinyon pine
Family: Pinaceae
Suggested Uses: specimen tree, mass plantings, planting beds
Plant Form: pyramidal, small to medium sized tree
Height: 20 - 30 feet tall
Foliage: two short needles (1 to 2” long) for each fasicle

stiff, dark green, slightly curved
Flower: monoecious
Fruit: short stalked cones are egg shaped and 1.5 to 2 inches long

seeds are edible
Bark: brown, scaly
Sun: full sun
Water: drought-tolerant

doesn't tolerate overwatering
Soil: well-drained soil

tolerates pH range from acidic to alkaline

doesn't tolerate heavy clay soils
USDA Zone: up to zone 4
Pests & Pathology: susceptible to pine tip moth and scale

TTU Plant Resources