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" A. Pinus Nigra Nigra "

" A. Pinus Nigra Nigra "




An excellent, tough growing evergreen conifer, Pinus nigra var. nigra has dark green foliage forming a dense crown. The Black Pine has a greyish-brown to dark brown bark. This medium to large sized hardy conifer is perfect for many situations - it can be utilized in troublesome soils, windy coastal sites, or even as a magnificent specimen tree. A regularly used tree for shelter belts thanks to its sheer durability.

Site: Tolerant of coastal exposure
Soil: Well drained, will tolerate extreme acid to alkaline soils, and dry soils
Position: Full sun
Season of Interest: All year round foliage, cones carried for approx. 2-3 years
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: 70ft (20m), up to 40m with age Spread: 15-30ft (5-10m)

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