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Sciadopitys verticillata Photo Gallery 2010

I don't have many but I hope that changes, as the 'umbrella pine' is a magnificient and unique conifer that should be planted much more often then it is.

First a random photo of Mt. St. Helens visit I made last week. An amazing place.

Sciadopitys verticillata 'Joe Kozey'. A relatively narrow cultivar that grows fairly quickly.

'Ossorio Gold'. One of the most beautiful conifers I have, this cultivar was no doubt selected or named in the gardens of the late Alfonso Ossorio who had an extensive collection on the East coast of the US. My first plant burned in full sun and was moved to full shade, my second more brazen attempt gets about 2-4 hours of direct sun and 5-10 hours of indirect/filtered sun. I think it might be brighter with more sun but it's such a great plant I didn't want to risk too much sun yet.

'Sternschnuppe'. A great name for a great dwarf umbrella pine.

Unknown cultivar, has unusual colors including mildly gold or varigated needles.

A closeup. Gets about 2-3 hours of direct sun and the rest filtered.

'Mitsch's Select'. Dwarf for sure.


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