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Mugo Pine ID help.

Hello everyone, I don't post here very often but do read this forum alot as I do have an affinity for some Conifers. Im more of a warm weather person, and very into palms, cycads, tropicals and sub tropicals. That said, I do really like some conifers. My favorites are more of the southern type pines such as Longleaf (Pinus Palustris), loblolly (Pinus Taeda), but I do like some others as well, espeically some of the eastern higher altitude pines that grow in more specialised and/ or isolated pockets such as Carolina Hemlock (Tsuga Caroliniana), Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis) Table Mountain Pine (Pinus Pungens), as well as some others like Pitch Pine (Pinus Rigida), Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana) and Virginia Pine (Pinus Virginiana).

Anyway, I came across two very handsome mugo pines at a local HD, and could not resist buying them. They were 19.99 a piece. They were both labeled "Pinus M. Fastigata". Having done searches for that, I'm still not confident of the ID of these. I'm posting a few photos of them to see if anyone can either confirm that ID, or of someone can give me a correct ID. These do not appear to be the typical "mounding" type mugos as they are rather upright and somewhat open, looking alot more like miniature trees than mounding shrubs. Anyway, Thank you in advance for any help! Sorry for the large size of the photos. Here they are

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