Afrocarpus falcatus

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Common Yellowwood, African fern. Pine of Weeping Yew (Afrocarpus falcatus [syn. Podocarpus falcatus]), an evergreen, 25-60m tall coniferous tree found in the mountains of southern Africa. It has large leaves for a conifer, flaking bark and produces fleshy drupes that are eaten by bats and birds that distribute the seeds. afrocarpus-3489htm'>Afrocarpus. <a href='podocarpaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Podocarpaceae</a>.

Common Yellowwood, African fern. Pine of Weeping Yew (Afrocarpus falcatus [syn. Podocarpus falcatus]), an evergreen, 25-60m tall coniferous tree found in the mountains of southern Africa. It has large leaves for a conifer, flaking bark and produces fleshy drupes that are eaten by bats and birds that distribute the seeds. afrocarpus-3489htm'>Afrocarpus. Podocarpaceae.


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