
12 Pins
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three pink candles sitting on top of a wooden table
8 astuces pour rendre sa chambre plus cosy
three candles sitting next to each other on a table
15 idées pour faire des bougies soi-même
a pink and blue candle sitting on top of a table next to a potted plant
a candle sitting on top of a plate next to some small wooden house shaped houses
Easy Ideas for Making Homemade Candles as Gifts - Garden Therapy
DIY: Duftkerzen selber machen
Decorating the coconut candle
Comment réaliser ses propres bougies parfumées !
homemade diy funfetti mason jar candle recipe
DIY Funfetti Soy Mason Jar Candles make fun centerpieces for birthday parties, easy homemade gift id
DIY Lavender Candles