Nashville Comicon | Adam Sings To Chuck Norris

Adam is debriefed as he recovers from singing the WTR theme song into the eyes of THE RANGER himself at Nashville Comicon!

Adam being subjected to Chuck’s signature two second sleeper hold.

Special thanks to Trey Miller from the Globetrotting with Trey YouTube channel for capturing and sharing this vidoe!

The Tennessee Warblers version of “The Eyes of the Ranger” is out now wherever you listen to music!

Trey does an awesome recap of Nashville Comicon and his Chuck journey. He also barely survived Chuck’s sleeper hold!

After meeting in line to meet Chuck at Nashville Comicon, Trey and the Spa Guy invited Adam on to discus Roundhouse Roulette and singing into the eyes of the ranger on their podcast, Wishing Cotton was a Monkey.


E65: “A Matter of Principle” | Rogue Ranger Revenge & WTR Fan Fiction Revisited


Ara Thomassian | Remastering WTR for HD