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The following is a partial list of quality plants that can and should be used as ground covers.

Ornamental Perennials
Acanthus (Bear's Breech) Achillea (Yarrow, Milfoil) Acorus (Sweet Flag) Aegopodium (Bishop's Weed, Goutweed, Ground Elder) Ajuga (Bugleweed) Alyssum Antennaria Arenaria (Sandwort) Aristolachia (Birthwort, Dutchman's Pipe) Armeria (Thrift, Sea Pink) Artemisia (Wormwood) Asarum (Wild Ginger) Aubrieta Aurinia (Basket of Gold) Bergenia Brunnera Calylophus Campanula (Bellflower) Cerastium Ceratostigma (Plumbago, Leadwort) Chamaemelum Chrysogonum Clematis Convallaria (Lily-Of-The-Valley) Coronilla (Crownvetch) Cyclamen Decumaria (Wood Vamp) Delosperma (Hardy Ice Plant) Deutzia Dianthus Duchesnea (Aztec Indian Berry, False Strawberry) Ephedra (Joint Fir) Erigeron (Fleabane)

Euonymus Euphorbia (Spurge) Fallopia (Polygonum) Ficus Fragaria (Strawberry) Galium (Sweet Woodruff) Geranium (Crane's Bill) Glechoma (Ground Ivy) Gynura Gypsophila (Baby's Breath) Hedera (Ivy) Helianthemum (Sun or Rock Rose) Helleborus (Lenten Rose) Hemerocallis (Daylily) Herniaria (Rupturewort) Heuchera (Coral Bells, Alumroot) Hosta (Funkia) Houttuynia Hydrocotyle Hypericum (St. John's Wort) Iberis (Candytuft) Ipomoea (Bush Morning-glory, Old Man of the Prarie) Lamiastrum Lamium (Dead Nettle) Lathyrus (Sweet Pea) Laurentia Leontopodium (Edelweiss) Liriope (Lilyturf) Lonicera (Honeysuckle) Lotus Lysimachia Marrubium (Horehound) Mazus Minuartia (Irish Moss) Nepeta (Catmint) Oenanthe Oenothera (Evening Primrose, Sundrops) Ophiopogon (Lilyturf, Mondo Grass)

Pachysandra (Spurge) Parthenocissus (Woodbine) Persicaria (Polygonum) Phlox Pinellia Potentilla (Cinquefoil, Five Finger) Prunella (Self Heal) Pulmonaria (Lungwort) Ranunculus (Buttercup, Crowsfoot) Rosa Rosularia Sagina (Pearlwort) Saponaria (Soapwort) Saxifraga (Rockfoil) Scutellaria (Skull Cap, Helmet Flower) Sedum (Stonecrop) Sempervivum (Hen and Chicks) Silene (Campion, Catchfly) Solanum (Nightshade) Soleirolia Sphaeralcea (Prairie, Red False Mallow) Spirea Stachys (Betony, Woundwort) Symphytum (Comfrey) Teucrium (Gemander) Thymus (Thyme) Tiarella (false Miterwort) Trifolium (Clover) Triglochin (Arrow Grass) Veronica (Speedwell) Vinca (Periwinkle) Viola (Violet) Vitis (Grape) Verbena (Vervain)

Ground Covers
A ground cover is a plant that is low-growing and forms a dense mat over the surface of the soil. Ground covers may be herbaceous or woody and some are evergreen even in the Midwest. Ground covers may be used as"living mulch", for erosion control, to manage weeds, or in areas of a site that are hard to maintain. Turfgrass is one of the most popular ground covers, but sometimes it is hard to grow and maintain especially on steep slopes or among protruding roots of shade trees (see Planting under Existing Trees in this website). Fortunately, there are many ground covers from which to choose. Some feature attractive flowers and others are chosen for their texture and foliage color. Other than turf, most will not tolerate foot traffic and thus are best planted in areas with infrequent traffic. In the landscape, ground covers provide transition between woody plants and turf, they are good as facer plants in front of woody shrubs, and they soften edges of hardscape such as sidewalks and driveways. While many ground covers are low maintenance, they should not be considered "no maintenance". Spread, height, foliage texture and color, soil conditions, light and moisture must all be considerations when selecting a ground cover. For ground covers suited to shady conditions, see the Colorado State University Extension publication, Ground Covers for Shady Areas. Because a large number of plants are usually required when establishing a ground cover, the initial cost of installation may be fairly high. Therefore, proper soil preparation, plant selection, watering and fertilization are especially important during the first few growing seasons. Plants should also be spaced properly when initially planted to take advantage of the spreading form. Both native and non-native plant ground covers are available for a variety of site conditions. The University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service has published two excellent references on ground covers as part of their NebGuide online publication. Selecting a Ground Cover steps readers through considerations when choosing a ground cover. It includes a list of 46 ground covers, their common and botanical names, site requirements, height/width, flower and foliage color, and comments. Ground Covers: Their Establishment and Maintenance explains soil preparation, installation and maintenance of ground cover plants. For difficult areas, see Ground Covers for Rough Sites written by Dr. Mary Meyer and extension educator, Michael Zins, of the University of Minnesota Department of Horticultural Science. This online publication reviews ground covers that are suitable for inaccessible areas and areas in which conditions are poor. Some Native and Non-Native Ground Covers for U.S.D.A. Cold Hardiness Zones 3 and 4 Native Ground Covers Scientific name Asarum canadense Anemone canadensis Common name Wild ginger Canada anemone Site Conditions Shade / moist Sun/shade/moist

Carex spp. Cornus canadensis Geum triflorum Phlox divaricata Podophyllum peltatum Tiarella cordifolia Viola spp.

Sedges Bunchberry Prairie smoke Woods phlox May apple Foam flower Violets Non-Native Ground Covers

Shade/moist Shade/moist Sun Shade Shade/moist Shade Shade

Scientific name Alchemilla mollis Aegopodium podagraria Ajuga reptans Bergenia cordifolia Brunnera macrophylla Cerastium tomentosum Convallaria majalis Coronilla varia Epimedium xrubrum Galium odoratum Glechoma hederacea Lamium maculatum Lamium galeobdolon Lotus corniculatus Pachysandra terminalis Sedum spp. Vinca minor

Common name Lady's mantle Silver-edge goutweed Bugleweed Bergenia Siberian bugloss Snow-in-summer Lily-of-the-valley Crown vetch Barrenwort Sweet woodruff Ground ivy, creeping Charlie Dead nettle, lamium Yellow archangel Bird's foot trefoil Sedum, stonecrop Periwinkle

Site Conditions Shade/sun Shade/sun Sun Shade/sun Shade Sun Shade/moist Sun/poor soil Shade Shade Shade Shade/part sun Shade/part sun Sun Sun/dry Shade/winter protection

Japanese spurge, pachysandra Shade/winter protection

Common Name / Botanical Name / Other Name

Grevillea New Blood / Grevillea Juniperina Grevillea Obtusifolia / Grevillea Thelemanniana Grevillea Mount Tamboritha / Grevillea Lanigera

Grevillea Crithmifolia Verbena Dampiera Diversifolia Seaside Daisy / Erigeron Karvinskianus Lotus / Lotus Berthelotii Snow In Summer / Cerastiumtomentosum Gazania Variegata Ice Plant / Aptenia Cordifolia / Baby Sunrose Dymondia Marguerite Lippia / Phyla Nodiflora African Daisy / Osteospermum Ecklonis / Passion African Daisy / Arctotis Hybrid / Red Magic African Daisy / Drosanthemum Floribundum / Purple Dichondra / Dichondra Repens Native Violet / Viola Bederacea Prostrate Rosemary / Rosmarinus Officinalis Prostrata Star / Lithodora Diffusa Pearlwort / Sagina Subulata Chinese Star Jasmine / Trachelospermum Asiaticum Climbing Fig / Ficus Pumila Purple Boobialla / Myoporum Parvifolium / Purple Leaf Form Creeping Boobialla / Myoporum Parvifolium / Pink Form Bacopa Monniera Bacopa / Bacopa Nova Snow / Giant Blizzard Ajuga / Ajuga Reptans Purpurea Ajuga / Ajuga Reptans / Burgundy Lace Lantana White / Lantana Montevidensis / Alba Lantana Mauve / Lantana Montevidensis / Mauve Alternanthera / Alternanthera Amoena / Gold Dust Alternanthera / Alternanthera Ficoidea / Tricolour Scaevola / Scaevola Aemula / Purple Fanfare Scaevola / Zig Zag Scaevola / Scaevola Humillis / Purple Fusion Silver Bush / Convolvulus Cneorum White Snake Bush / Hemiandra Pungens / Alba

Thymus praecox articus Pinemat Manzanita (Arctostaphylos nevadensis)

Creeping Snowberry (Symphoricarpos mollis)

Thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus)

Useful floral carpet

by: SOPHIE THOMSON From: Sunday Mail (SA) July 19, 2009 12:00AM

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Diasies are just one plant that makes good ground cover. Source: The Advertiser FLOWERING ground covers offer the home gardener more than the obvious splash of colour. Ground covers serve a number of purposes in the garden. As well as filling in vacant spaces, they act as 'living' mulch and are very helpful for weed suppression. The following is a list of the best sun-loving ground covers for flowers. Over the next few weeks we will look at the best native ground covers, ground-covers for foliage, and ground covers for shade. ARCTOTIS HYBRID VELDT DAISY, AFRICAN DAISY

The new hybrids of these old-fashioned, sun-loving South African plants are well behaved and make excellent ground covers for hot dry spots, banks and road verges. They flower for a very long period from autumn to spring, with brightly coloured daisy-like flowers with darker centres above a mound of silver or grey-green foliage. Flowers range in colour from bright orange and red, to cream and pink. These low maintenance plants tolerate coastal conditions. They grow to a size measuring 40cm-50cm x 80cm-100cm. ASTERISCUS MARITIMA 'GOLD COIN' (syn Odontospermum maritimum 'Gold Coin') This very hardy, Mediterranean ground cover is excellent for exposed positions and, as its name suggests, it grows well in coastal situations. It produces golden yellow daisy-like flowers for an extended time from spring to autumn. Dead heading of old flowers keeps this plant looking good and encourages the production of more flowers. It requires full sun and well drained soil. Its size is 25cm x 50cm. LANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS TRAILING LANTANA Although there are a number of different lantanas that thrive in our hot, dry climate, the ground cover forms flowers almost non-stop, especially in summer, with heads of tiny lavender, white or golden yellow flowers. As well as growing horizontally, they can also be grown up a fence. Originating in South America, Lantanas are weeds in Queensland and northern NSW, however they do not present the same feral potential in South Australia. One plant will grow to about 30cm x 1.5m. OSTEOSPERMUM FRUTICOSUM TRAILING AFRICAN DAISY, VELDT DAISY (syn.Dimorphotheca fruticosum) This old-fashioned South African plant is a very useful ground cover for planting in coastal conditions, on road verges and on banks, spreading widely and forming a carpet of cheerful daisy flowers in winter and early spring. Available in white, pink and purple, as well as newer shades of lemon and orange, these daisy-like flowers have darker pink or purple centres. Although Osteospermum takes root where it touches the ground it is easily removed. Its size is 30cm x 1m plus. ROSMARINUS SPECIES ROSEMARY There are a number of prostrate and semi-prostrate forms of rosemary that make great ground covers, especially when used to spill over walls or sloping banks or in rockeries. These Mediterranean plants are sun lovers and are easily grown with minimal care and attention, and suit seaside planting. They grow to a size measuring 15cm-50cm x 1.5m. Declaration: Contributor Sophie Thomson has a private commercial arrangement with Neutrog.

Win every week The Sunday Mail home magazine is giving away one copy of From the Ground Up ($59.50), each week to Sophie's favourite question received by post or email. The 256-page book is a complete and comprehensive garden guide

Ground Covers
Disclaimer: Pictures of containerized plant material were taken on-site at our nursery and should be used as a guide only. Actual size and quality may vary (up or down) for different reasons. A.W. Kelley's Gardens Inc. makes no guarantees, expressed or implied that plant material on the premises will be exactly like the pictures or descriptions in this website.

ABBREVIATION KEY * Denotes native BN: Botanical name TH: Typical height RG: Rate of growth ST: Salt tolerance DT: Drought tolerance FS: Flowering season ZN: Zone (refer to zone map) AS: Available sizes CH: Characteristics Landscape Photos: Links to pictures in the landscape

Agapanthus BN: Agapanthus Africalus TH: 2.5 ft. RG: slow ST: low DT: medium FS: spring and summer ZN: 8 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Also called African Lily or Lily of the Nile, this true lily is native to Africa. Is a popular, clumping/spreading plant that has shiny, dark green, strap like leaves. Spectacular white and blue blooms 6 to 12 in. across, sit atop stems well above the height of the foliage. Likes full sun but will handle some afternoon shading. Is moderately tolerant of frost. Landscape Photo Landscape Photo 2

Blue Daze BN: Evolvulus Glomeratus TH: 6 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: Low FS: year round ZN: 10b-11 AS: #1 CH: This low growing ground cover has alluring, powder blue blooms and small leaves with a velvety silver cast. New daily flowers last only one day, opening in the morning and closing for the night. This prolific bloomer likes a sunny area and regular watering to promote its year round show of color. Tender to temperatures below 36 degrees. Landscape Photo Landscape Photo 2

Coral Creeper BN: Baleria Repens TH: 18 in. RG: fast ST: high DT: high FS: summer thru fall ZN: 10a thru 11 AS: #1 CH: An evergreen ground cover/small shrub with rounded, soft, glossy leaves. Have delightful salmon colored flowers and blooms in late summer through fall. Grows to about 2 ft. tall with a spread of 3 ft. If supported by a trellis this unique plant can grow to a height of 6 ft. Stems can root along the ground allowing coverage of a large area. This plant prefers filtered light and not too much water. Hardy to about 28 degrees. Landscape Photo

Crown of Thorns BN: Euphorbia Milii TH: 2 to 5 ft. RG: slow ST: high DT: high FS: year round ZN: 9b thru 11 AS: #1 #3 CH: Originally from Madagascar this semi-succulent got its name in biblical times. Supposedly this plant was used to make the thorny crown for Jesus at the Crucifixion. Red is the most popular but they come in other dazzling colors like hot pink and yellow. Some varieties are lower growing dwarf types and all have thorns. They bloom profusely all year round and are very drought tolerant. They prefer full sun but will do o.k. in partial shade. When pruning, be careful of the milky sap which can irritate the skin and the rest of the plant is toxic if ingested. Most varieties are highly salt tolerant and can handle 32 degrees F but some may show damage in a frost. Landscape Photo Day Lily BN: Hemerocallis Spp. TH: 2 ft. RG: medium ST: high DT: high FS: spring through fall ZN: 5 thru 10b AS: #1 CH: Clumping perennial with grass-like leaves. Splendid orange-yellow blooms that proliferate from summer through fall. Flowers rotate to face the sun and equator so positioning in the planting site is important. Although many colors exist, we typically just stock the Aztec Gold since it is the best variety for South Florida. Very cold hardy. Landscape Photo

*Dune Sunflower BN: Helianthus Debilis TH: 2 ft. RG: medium ST: high DT: medium FS: year round ZN: 8 thru 10b AS: #1 CH: An exquisite ground cover that loves sandy soil and full sun. Highly salt tolerant. Blooms resemble a miniature sunflower with bright yellow petals and a contrasting brown center. All year long blooming attracts butterflies. Cold hardy all the way up to North Florida. Landscape Photo

Fern, Artillery BN: Pilea Microphylla TH: 12 in. RG: medium ST: low DT: medium FS: n/a ZN: 10b-11 AS: #1 CH: An herbaceous perennial with delicate, lacy, light green, fern looking leaves. This tender stemmed plant is not a true fern but one of over 600 in this huge family of shade loving, succulent herbs and shrubs. Prefers filtered light and should not be overwatered. Sensitive to temperatures below 50 degrees.

Fern, Foxtail BN: Asparagus Desiflorus Meyeri' TH: 20 in. RG: fast ST: medium DT: medium FS: spring and fall ZN: 9a thru 11 AS: #1 CH: These are not true ferns since they produce seeds and not spores. Have pleasing, feathery tufts that come to a point and resemble the shape and texture of a foxtail. Offwhite blooms in summer produce bright red seeds. Multiplies by underground tubers. Is related to asparagus but is not edible. Tolerates some frost and temperatures in the upper 20's and will recover from damage if not too severe. Landscape Photo

*Fern, Macho BN: Nephrolepsis Biserrata TH: 2 to 3 ft. RG: medium ST: low DT: low FS: n/a ZN: 10b-11 AS: #1 CH: Named Macho Fern for its large leaves and rapid growth habit. A popular, native fern that can handle wet feet and likes partial shade. Spreads quickly by underground rhizomes. Most ferns produce visible spores (a type of reproductive seed) on the underside of the leaf which might be mistaken as a pest. This plant can reach an overall height of 4 ft. and a spread of 3 ft. so allow plenty of room in the planting site. Most ferns are tropical and don't like temperatures below 30 degrees. However they are usually planted under a tree canopy which provides necessary shade and some buffering from the cold. Landscape Photo

*Fern, Sword BN: Nephrolepsis Cordifolis or Obliterata TH: 14 to 20 in. RG: fast ST: low DT: medium FS: n/a ZN: 9a thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Apparently there is confusion with the actual botanical name! The common name is Kimberly Queen' Sword Fern. Widely used in South Florida for its more compact growth and tolerance to full sun. Technically this particular fern is not native since it has been crossed (hybridized) however it is commonly used as native and few people know the difference. Does well in pots and planters but does not weep (droop) like the well known Boston Fern. Spreads by underground rhizomes like most other ferns. Prefers a well drained area with an organically rich soil. Does not like frost or temperatures in the lower 30's. Landscape Photo

Ficus Repens BN: Ficus Pumila TH: n/a RG: fast ST: medium DT: high FS: n/a ZN: 10a thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Also called Creeping Fig, this is a very low growing ground cover that can also climb straight up masonry walls with its attaching aerial roots. This unique vine-like plant is widely used in Orlando, Disney World for their classic animal shaped topiaries. Adapts to many different soil conditions. Does well in partial shade or full sun. Can freeze at 30 degreesbut will come back. Landscape Photo

Firecracker BN: Russelia Equisetiformis TH: 3 to 5 ft. RG: medium ST: high DT: high FS: year round ZN: 10b-11 AS: #1 #3 CH: This shrub/groundcover has a unique weeping look and appears to be raining flowers when year round blooming occurs. Have bracts instead of leaves which are fine textured and allow bright red flowers to stand out. Blooms are tubular shaped resembling a firecracker. Prefers full sun to bloom well. Hardy to 32 degreesF. Landscape Photo Landscape Photo 2

Flax Lily BN: Dianella tasmanica 'Variegata' TH: 18 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: medium FS: n/a ZN: 10a thru 11 AS: #1-#3 CH: Also called Blueberry Flax for its electric blue berries that are seen at certain times of the year. Leaves are an inch or so wide with striking bold white stripes on either side of the leaf. A clumping/spreading ground cover often used for borders. Fairly drought tolerant once established. Likes sun or shade and will flourish in wet areas. Very cold hardy. Landscape Photo

*Gaillardia BN: Gaillardia Pulchella TH: 18 in. RG: medium ST: high DT: high FS: year round ZN: 3 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: This plant is very tough and will thrive in a hot, dry, salty environment. Popular ground cover used in coastal and island landscapes. Dazzling blooms are deep orange with yellow tips and resemble a zinnia. Very cold hardy.

Grass, Mondo BN: Ophiopogon Japonicus TH: 6 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: medium FS: n/a ZN: 8 thru 10b AS: #1 CH: Also called Monkey Grass, Snakebeard or Lily Turf, this low growing ground cover likes partial or full sun and well drained soil conditions. Is widely used in rock gardens and for borders. There is also a Dwarf Mondo Grass with the same characteristics but have smaller leaves and a slower growth rate. Both are cold hardy to South Florida. Landscape Photo

Iris, African BN: Dietes Vegeta TH: 2 feet RG: medium ST: low DT: medium FS: year round ZN: 9 thru 10b AS: #1 CH: This plant resembles a lily with leaves that are pointed and slender. Have appealing creamy white blooms with gold markings and a lavender center. Plants have daily color in spring and summer due to their profuse blooming. Plant reaches an overall height of about 2 ft. Not bothered by many pests and cold hardy to South Florida. We also carry a yellow flowering Iris; Dietes Bicolor with similar characteristics but it has a narrower leaf. Landscape Photo Yellow Iris

Iris, Yellow Walking BN: Neomarica Spp. TH: 3 feet RG: medium ST: low DT: low FS: spring thru fall ZN: 10b-11 AS: #1 CH: Have enticing, fragrant light yellow blooms with dainty brown speckles in the center. Spreads (walks) by way of rhizomes and plantlets that develop on the stems where flowers once emerged. The weight of the growing plantlets pushes the stem to the ground allowing rooting of these new little plants. Can handle temperatures down to 20 degrees.

Jasmine, Asiatic BN: Trachelospermum Asiaticum TH: 9 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: medium FS: n/a ZN: 7b thru 10b AS: #1 CH: Also called Dwarf Confederate Jasmine. This vine type ground cover has green glossy leaves about the size of your pinky fingernail. Slender reddish brown stems form dense tangled mats of foliage when allowed to spread. When cut, stems exude a milky sap which can irritate tender areas of the body when contacted. Very cold hardy to South Florida. Landscape Photo

Juniper, Blue Pacific BN: Juniperus Conferta TH: 12 in. RG: slow ST: high DT: high FS: n/a ZN: 5 thru 10b AS: #1 #3 CH: Also called Dwarf Shore Juniper. This northern looking ground cover is in the Cypress family. Have aromatic, needle-like leaves which are only in. long. Leaves are soft but sharp tipped with an appealing blue-green and silver cast. This wonderful ground hugger reaches a maximum height of only 18 in. but can spread to cover a diameter of 10 foot. Likes full sun, good drainage, and is very drought tolerant once established. All junipers are cold hardy to South Florida. Another low growing Juniper is Parsonii Juniper which has similar qualities but grows taller reaching 2 to 3 ft. at maturity. Landscape Photo Parsonii Juniper Landscape Parsonii

Lantana, Gold BN: Lantana Camara TH: 2 to 5 feet RG: medium ST: high DT: high FS: year round ZN: 9 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Often referred to as Yellow Lantana or Gold Mound Lantana. Have numerous eyecatching yellow-gold flowers with dense, dark green foliage. Blooms profusely all year round and is an attractant to bees and butterflies. Very drought tolerant once established. Likes full sun and moderate watering. All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested by people or livestock. Can be damaged by frost but will come back. Many other colors are available such as; white, confetti and magenta. Colors Photo Landacape Photo Landscape Photo 2

Lantana, Purple BN: Lantana Montevidensis TH: 12 in. RG: medium ST: high DT: medium FS: year round ZN: 10b-11 AS: #1 CH: Also called Trailing or Weeping Lantana. This ground cover hugs the ground with runners that can reach out up to 5 ft., while overall height will reach only one or two feet. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Very drought tolerant once established. Prefers full sun and moderate watering. All parts of the plant are toxic if ingested by people or livestock. Can be damaged by frost but will come back. Colors Photo Landscape Photo

Liriope, Evergreen Giant BN: Liriope Muscari TH: 12 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: high FS: n/a ZN: 7 thru 10b AS: #1 CH: A handsome, evergreen, grass-type ground cover which is often used as a border in plant beds. Has dark green shiny leaves and likes well drained sunny areas. Develops small but admirable violet and white blooms spikes at times that protrude above the foliage. Very drought tolerant once established. Very cold hardy. Landscape Photo

Liriope, Variegated BN: Opiopogon Jaburan Vittata' TH: 18 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: medium FS: n/a ZN: 8 thru 10b AS: #1 CH: Also called Aztec Grass, this popular ground cover is known for its striking white variegated leaves. It is a cousin of Mondo Grass and not in the same family as Evergreen Giant Liriope as thought by some folks. Prefers a little shade or foliage will bleach out if subjected to all day, afternoon sun. Is not as cold hardy as some grasses but does well in South Florida. It will come back if damaged by frost. Other Photo

Oyster Plant (dwarf) BN: Rhoeo Spathacea TH: 18 RG: fast ST: medium DT: high FS: n/a ZN: 10a thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Also called Rheo Discolor. This unusual plant is an herbaceous, short-stemmed perennial that multiplies and spreads quickly. Have pleasing looks with pointed leaves which are green on the top side and rich purple underneath. Have high drought tolerance once established. This ground cover should not be overwatered to help prevent bacteria and fungus problems which can occur. Leaves are toxic if ingested. Sensitive to frost and temperatures below 34 degrees. There are two other popular varieties with similar characteristics; Tricolor have multicolored/variegated leaves and Giant Oyster Plant have leaves twice the size. Landscape Photo Tricolor Giant Oyster

Pentas BN: Pentas Lanceolata TH: 18 in. to 4 feet RG: medium ST: low DT: low FS: year round ZN: 9 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: This very popular perennial comes in a wide array of colors; red, white, lavender and several shades of pink, to name a few. Creates blooms tirelessly all year long and is available in regular or dwarf varieties. This plant prefers regular watering and lots of sun to bloom well. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Freezes at about 30 degrees. Landscape Photo

Purple Queen BN: Setcreasea Pallida TH: 12 in. RG: fast ST: medium DT: high FS: year round ZN: 9 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Herbaceous ground hugger with striking, deep royal blue leaves. Does well in sun or shade. Although not a vine its stems are far reaching to cover a large area. Have delightful, dainty, light pink flowers throughout the entire year. Highly drought tolerant once established and should not be overwatered. Can handle a touch of frost and will recover from freeze damage. Landscape Photo

Ruellia, Dwarf and Tall BN: Ruellia Brittoniana TH: 6 in. to 3 ft. RG: medium ST: medium DT: medium FS: year round ZN: 9 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Also called Mexican Petunia because of its origin. Dwarf varieties are low growing and spreading reaching an overall height of only 8 in. This perennial blooms like crazy most of the year. Popular colors are pink, purple and white with vibrant and numerous flowers that attract butterflies. They thrive in partial or full sun but prefer the later to bloom heavily. Purple and pink are popular colors in the tall varieties which reach an average overall height of about 3 ft. The tall variety is listed as invasive to South Florida because of its ability to rapidly spread. Both varieties can get damage from frost and freeze but will bounce back. Ruellia Tall

*Sea Oats BN: Uniola Paniculata TH: 4 feet RG: medium ST: high DT: high FS: n/a ZN: 8 thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Commonly seen growing wild on sand dunes beside the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. This is a protected plant in Florida and Georgia because of its vital role in erosion control along coastlines. Mature seed heads are attractive and commonly used in dried flower arrangements. Very salt and drought tolerant. Will stand up to frost.

Society Garlic BN: Tulbaghia Violacea TH: 18 in. RG: medium ST: medium DT: medium FS: spring through fall ZN: 10a thru 11 AS: #1 CH: Clumping herbaceous perennial (non-edible) that resembles the look of chives used in food preparation. Leaves are about 12 in. long at maturity. This unique ground cover gets its name from the garlic type smell given off by the leaves which is said to repel pests. Lovely lilac-pink blooms have a very sweet fragrance which contrasts the pungent smell of the leaves. Flowers stand well above the body of the plant atop 2 ft. stems. Can handle some frost and temperatures into the 20's. Landscape Photo

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Trees Fruits Shrubs Spices Ferns Palms Grass Ornamental Climbers

Sl.No Botanical Name Common Name Col. of Flower Hight Flowering Season

1 Acaica auriculiformis 2 Alstonia macrophylla 3 Alstonia scholaris 4 Anthocephalus chinesis 5 Araucaria bidwillii 6 Araucaria cookii 7 Artocarpus altilils 8 Azadirachta indica 9 Barringtonia asiatica 10 Bauhinia blakeana 11 Bauhinia purpurea 12 Bixa orellana 13 Brassaia actinophylla

Golden shower Macrophylla Devil tree Kadamba Bunya bunya New Caledonia pine

Yellow white

13-15m 30m

Mar-Dec July-Sept

Green ornamental E/ Green Bright Green

15-20m 50m 60-65m 10m 10-16m

June- Aug

Neem tree,Margosa tree Fish poison tree Hongkong orchid tree Camel's foot tree Annatto Queensland umbrella tree White Reddish/Rose-purple White ,Mauve Red Red

Mar-April July -Sept Oct-Mar Jan -March Sept-Dec Uncomman

12-15m 8m 10-16m 4-5m 8-10m

14 Brownea coccinea 15 Butea monosperma 16 Caesalpinia coriaria 17 Callistemon citrinus 18 Callistemon pollandi 19 Calophyllum inophyllum 20 Canaga odorata 21 Cassia fistula 22 Cassia grandis 23 Cassia javanica 24 Cassia marginata 25 cassia multijuga 26 Cassia siamea

West indian mountian rose,scarlet flame bean Flame of the forest, parrot tree American sumac, Divi Divi Red bottle-brush, Bottle-brush Pollandi Alexandrian laurel , Dilo oil tree Ylang-Ylang Indian laburnum ,Golden shower Horse cassia ,Pink shower Java cassia Red cassia

Pink/Red Yellow Greenish yellow Bright Red Dark Red Yellow Yellow Bright Yellow Bright pink Bright pink Red Yellow

5-7m 10-12m 8-10m 7-10m 4-5m 12m 15-20 8-10m 20m 10m 5-6m 5-6m 12-14m Feb-April April June July Sep-Nov June jan Feb-April April-June yearfull Feb-April Rainy-Winter May-Oct

Kassod tree


27 Cassia spectabilis 28 Casuarina equisetifolia 29 Chrysophyllum cainito 30 Citharexylum Quadrangulare 31 Clusia rosea 32 Cordia sebestena 33 Couroupita guianensis 34 Crescentia cujete 35 Cupressus sempervirens 36 Cycas circinalis 37 Cycas revoluta 38 Dalbergia lanceolaria 39 Dalbergia sissoo Lancet-Like Sisoo,South indian redwood Italian cypress Ferm palm Beefwood,Casuarina,Australian oak Star apple Zither-wood Fat pork tree Aloe wood,sebesten plum,Geiger tree Cannon ball tree

Golden yellow purple white Purplish White White White with pink Green Yellow/pink Yellowish/purplish Yellow

10m 15m 15m 5-6m 6-8m 5-8m 15-20m 6-10 m 20-30m 3-4m


Mar-May Jan -March Jan -March



Light brown Yellowish white

Tall 20m more Feb

40 Dillenia indica 41 Eucalyptus citriodora 42 Ficus bengalensis 43 Ficus bengalensis'Krishnae' 44 Ficus benjamina 45 Ficus elastica 46 Ficus hispida 47 Ficus infectoria 48 Ficus religiosa 49 Filicium decipiens 50 Grevillea robusta 51 Gustavia augusta 52 Jacaranda mimosifolia

Elephant apple Lemon-secnted eucalyptus Banyan tree


6-8m 40-50m

June-July Mar-May May-June


30m more 5m

Java fig,Java willow,Willow fig Rubbet tree, Indian caoutchouc tree With stiff hairs Dye yielding Pipal tree Fern tree, Fern-leaf tree Australian silk oak,Silk oak,Silky oak Stink wood Mimosa-leaved jacaranda White,Numerous Orange White/pink Bluish purple Pinkish yellow Grey

15-20m 30m Small tree 15-18m 15-20 8-10m 20m 6-8m 8-10m Mar-April Mar-Sept Mar-June Mar-July

53 Juniperus chinensis 54 Kigelia pinnata

Chinese juniper Cusumber tree, Sausage tree Giant crape myrtle,Pride of india,Queen of flowers Lily tree,Laurel magnolia Mango Deep chocolate-red

3-5m 12-15m Mar-May

55 Lagerstroemia speciosa




56 Magnolia grandiflora 57 Mangifera indica 58 Markhamia platycalyx 59 Melia azedarach 60 Mesua ferrea 61 Michelia champaca 62 Michelia champaca 'Alba' 63 Millettia peguensis 64 Milligtonia hortensis 65 Mimusops elengi

Silky white Yellowish Yellow with red lines


Summer Jan -March

15m 8-12m 15m 25m more

Feb-May Winter Feb-May Summer&Rains

Persian lilac,Bead tree,Indian lilac,China berry Iron-wood tree, Golden champaca,Yellow champa

Purple Yellow Yellow/Dull orange White

Jewels on a string Indian cork tree,Tree jasmine Indian medlar

Red/Purplish White with Greenish Off-white

10m 20m more 10-15m



66 Mimusops elengi ' Variegata' 67 Muntingia calabura 68 Murraya koenigii 69 Nyctanthes arbor-tristis 70 Parkia biglandulosa 71 Peltophorum pterocarpum 72 Pinus longifolia 73 Plumeria alba 74 Plumeria lutea 75 Plumeria obtusa 76 Plumeria rubra 77 Plumeria rubra forma bicolor 78 Plumeria rubra forma tricolor Rusty shield-bearer,Braziletto Long-leaved pine,Kumaon pine Frangipani,Pagoda tree Chinese cherry Curry-Leaf tree Coral jasmine,Night jasmine,Tree of sadness

Green& yellow White White Orange -red White Yellow 6-8m 5-7m 20m more 20m 20m more White with yellow Yellow White with yellow Purple,Red,Rose White,Yellow/Orange Rose-Pink,Purple Nov -Dec Mar-June

79 Plumeria rubra forma typica 80 Podocarpus elongata 81 Polyalthia longifolia 82 Polyalthia longifolia 'Pendula' 83 Pongamia pinnata 84 Pterospermum acerifolium 85 Pterospermum suberifolium Indian beech,Poonga oil plant Muchkunda ,Maple twist African Yellow-wood Mast tree,Indian fir

Red/Crimson,Purple 20-22m Greenish yellow Tall 10-15m Rose or lilac Brown pepery wing Yellowish-white Yellowish /pedicellate Ornamental Ornamental Rain tree,Monkey pod,Zaman Yellowish Straw/ Purple Chinese tallow tree 10-12m 12-15m M-sized Early summer Summer months Mar-April

86 Putranjiva roxburghii

Child-life tree,Lucky bean tree



87 Ravenala madagascariensis 88 Salix babylonica 89 Samanea saman 90 santalum album 91 Sapium sebiferum

Traveller's tree,Traveller's Palm

6-8m 10-12m 20-25m 6m 6-8m

End of the rainy

April - Oct yearfull April-June ,Oct-Nov

92 Saraca asoca 93 Sesbania grandiflora 94 Spathodea campanulata 95 Seritonia ceilique 96 Sterculia foetida 97 Swietenia marcophylla 98 Swietenia mahagoni 99 Syzygium cumini 100 Syzygium malaccense 101 Tabebuia argentea 102 Tabebuia avellanedae 103 Tabrbuia rosea 104 Tamarindus indica

Asoka tree Swamp tree Scarlet bell tree,African tulip tree

Orange-Red White,Red,Pink Terminal


Mar-May Summer months



Dung tree Large leaved mahagoni Mahagony,Spanish mohogoany Indian black berry,Black plum,Java Plum Malay rose-apple Golden bell Golden bell Rosy trumpet tree Tamarind

Red-yellow Small whites Small greenish Whites Cromson Yellow Reddish mouve Pink Red&yellow

20m more 25-30m 20-25 Large M-sized


Near summer Mar-june Hot season Feb-April



105 Tectona grandis 106 Terminalia arjuna 107 Terminalia catappa 108 Thespesia populnea 109 Thevetia peruviana 110 Thuja orientalis top top

Teak White murdha Indian almond Indian tulip tree,Portia tree,umbrella tree yellow oleander,Trumpet flower Chinese thuja

corola white Dull yellow Small whites Yellow Yellow Bluish green

20-25m 15-20 Tall

July-aug Mar-April Mar-April April -may Throughout year

Sl.No Botanical Name 1 Anacardium occidenatle 2 Anacardium occidenatle 3 Annona cherimola 4 Annona squammosa Common Name Cashewnut Graft Cashewnut Seedling Ramphal Seethaphal Graft

5 Annona squammosa 6 Areca catechu 7 Artocarpus altilis (Communis) 8 Artocarpus heterophyllus 9 Artocarpus heterophyllus 10 Averrhoa bilimbi 11 Averrhoa Carambola 12 Carica papaya 13 Carica papaya 14 Carissa Caranda 15 Cicca acida(Phyllanthus acdus) 16 Citrus aurantifolia 17 Citrus aurantifolia

Seethaphal Seedling Arecanut Bread Fruit Jock fruit Graft Jock fruit Seedling Bilimbi Komrekh (Carambola)Graft Pappaya seedless Pappaya Redlady Karonda Goose Berry Acid Lime budded Lime seedless budded

18 Citrus Aurantium 19 Citrus maxima 20 Citrus reticulata 21 Citrus Sinensis 22 Cocos nucifera 23 Cocos nucifera 24 Cocos nucifera 25 Cocos nucifera 26 Chrysophyllum caintio 27 Eugenia jambolana 28 Ficus auriculata ( Roxburghii) 29 Ficus carica 30 Garcina mangostona

Sour Orenge or Rough Lime Pommello Orenge budded Sweet lime (Mussambi)budded Coconut Green Dwarf Coconut Hybrid NCD Coconut orenge dwarf Coconut Tall Star apple (Velvet apple) Jamun (Nerale) Fig Austraian variety Fig Mangosteen

31 Litichi Chinensis 32 Malpighia glabra 33 Mangifera indica 34 Mangifera indica 35 Mangifera indica 36 Mangifera indica 37 Mangifera indica 38 Mangifera indica 39 Mangifera indica 40 Mangifera indica 41 Mangifera indica 42 Mangifera indica 43 Mangifera indica

Litchi Barbabos Cherry Mango-Alfanso(Badami) Graft Mango -Banganapalli Graft Mango-Malagova Graft Mango -Mallika Graft Mango -Neelam Graft Mango -Raspuri Graft Mango -B'lore(Thothapuri)Graft Mango-Dasari Mango-Imampasand Mango-Vastra Mango-Kesar

44 Mangifera indica 45 Manikara achras 46 Manikara achras 47 Manikara achras 48 Musa Species 49 Musa Species 50 Nephelium lappaceum 51 Nephelium lappaceum 52 Passiflora edulis 53 Persea Americana 54 Phyllanthus eroblica 55 Psidium Guajava 56 Psidium Guajava

Mango-sindhu Sapota cricket boll Sapota PKM Sapota kallipathi Banana Dwarf T.C Plant Other Varieties Rambutan Rambutan Graft Passion Fruit Avacado(Butter fruit) Amla Graft Guava Allahabad Guava L-49

57 Psidium Guajava 58 Psidium Guajava 59 Punica granatum 60 Punica granatum 61 Syzygium jambos (Eugenia jambos) 62 Syzygium Malaccense top top

Guava Red Guava KG Pomogranate Bhagava, Ganesha Pomogranate Seedless Rose apple Malayan Apple

Sl.No Botanical Name 1 Acalypha godseffiana "Compacta" 2 Acalypha hispida 3 Acalypha hispida pendula 4 Acalypha mosic variegate Common Name Nuda red Cat's tail plant Ground cover or fire tails

5 Acalypha roseana 6 Acalypha wilkesiana Ceylon 7 Acalypha wilkesiana dwarf 8 Acalypha wilkesiana java white 9 Acalypha wilkesiana macrophylla 10 Acalypha wilkesiana Tahiti 11 Acorus gramineus variegata 12 Adenium obesum 13 Adenium obesum Hybrid (Grafted) 14 Agave americana "Medio-Picta-Alba" 15 Ahygareptans purpurea 16 Alpenia purpureta 17 Alpenia zurampet Carpet bugle weed Red ginger Gaint red leaf' Green twisted Mondo grass Desert Rose Fire dragan

18 Ajuga reptans 19 Allamanda green & silver 20 Allamanda neriifolia 21 Alternanthera bettzickiana 22 Alternanthera bettzickiana 23 Alternanthera bettzickiana 24 Alternanthera bettzickiana "snow top" 25 Alternanthera bettzickiana variegata 26 Amaryllis varieties 27 Angelonia augustifolia 28 Angelonia grandiflora 29 Aphelandra sinclairiana 30 Aptania corfifolia Gorgon flower Coral Aphelandra Mesameranthimum Lilly Red calico plant Gold Green White Allamanda dwarf

31 Arundo donex 32 Artabotrys odaratissimus 33 Artemisia arborescens 34 Asparagus densiflorus "myers" 35 Asparagus densiflorus sprengerii 36 Asparagus densiflorus sprengerii "compecta" 37 Asparagus myriocladus 38 Asparagus setaceus [plumose] 39 Aster amellus varities 40 Azelia varities 41 Asystasia gangetica variegata 42 Bambusa fortunei 43 Bambusa tessellate Variegata bamboo Dwarf bamboo Zigzag asparagus Fern asparagus Daisy Clambing ylangylang Laveandar Foxtail Sprengeri fern

44 Bambusa ventricosa 45 Bauhinia acuminate 46 Bauhinia galpinii 47 Bauhinia tomentosa 48 Beaucarnea recurvata 49 Beaumontia grandiflora 50 Beloperone guttata 51 Beloperone guttata 52 Brunfelsiana Americana 53 Brunfelsiana calycina 54 Brya ebenus 55 Buddlea 56 Caesalpinia pulcherima

Buddha's belly bamboo

Pride of the cape Sulphuria Nolina recurvata

Shrimp plant


Pride of Barbados orange, yellow, red

57 Calliandra brevipes 58 Calliandra emarginata 59 Calliandra haematocephala 60 Calliandra hybrida 61 Calliandra protoricensis 62 Calliandra tweedi 63 Cananga kirki 64 Canna indica assorted 65 Canna indica dwarf 66 Canna variegated 67 Cassia alata 68 Cassia glauca 69 Cassia laevigata

Powder puff dwarf pink Powder puff dwarf red Powder puff red

Powder puff white Powder puff pink

Candle bush

70 Cassine orientalis 71 Casuarina New 72 Cestrum diurnum 73 Cestrum nocturnum 74 Chlorophyttum comosum 75 Clerodandrum fragrans 76 Clerodendrum inerme 77 Clerodendrum macrosiphon 78 Clerodendrum wallichii 79 Coleus varieties 80 Crassulla arborescens 81 Cuphea hyssopifolia 82 Cuphea hyssopifolia Jade crassula False heather blue False heather white Forest jasmine Day king / day jasmine Night queen Spider plant

83 Cuphea ignia 84 Cuphea melvillea 85 Cyperus alternifolius 86 Datura candida 87 Daedalacanthus nervsus 88 Dianella tasmanica variegata 89 Dizygotheca elegantissima "Caste 90 Dombeya varieties 91 Duranta repens Gold 92 Duranta repens "Golden speciosa" 93 Duranta repens "Speciosa" * 94 Duranta repens variegata [plumerii] 95 Duranta repens "White & Blue Flowering" Paroo lilly Aralia dizygotheca Umbrella plant

96 Echeveria peacockii 97 Eranthimum varieties 98 Eranthimum laxiflorum 99 Erythrina "Blackii" 100 Erythrina "Crista-galli" 101 Euonymus fortunei gracilis 102 Euonymus japonica 'Medio-picta' 103 Euonymus japonica "Aureo marginata" 104 Eupherbia cotinifolia 105 Eupherbia leucocephala 106 Euphorbia milli "Hybrid" 107 Euphorbia milli "Hybrid Minature" 108 Euphorbia pulcherima Poinsettia varieties

Rose cactus

Flowering Eranthimum

White variegata leaf Yellow variegata leaf Yellow round leaf Carcasana White poinsettia

109 Euphorbia pulcherima 'Plenissima flaming sphere" 110 Euphorbia splendens[E.milli] 111 Evolvulus arbusculla 112 Excoecaria bicolour 113 Ficus varities 114 Fuchsia hybrida 115 Furcraea giganitia "Medio picta" 116 Gauiacum officinale 117 Galphimia glauca 118 Gardenia gjellerupi 119 Gardenia jasminoides 120 Gardenia jasminoides dwarf 121 Gardenia jasminoides verigated

Fire ball Crown of thorns Eunowalis

Gaint false agave Tree of life Canery bush Thai Gardenia Cape jasmine

122 Gazania rigens 123 Gerbera hybrid 124 Graptophyllum pictum 125 Graptophyllum pictum "Tricolour" 126 Hamelia petens 127 Hamelia petens "Nana" 128 Hamelia petens "Round Leaf" 129 Hedychium coronarium 130 Hedra helix 131 Hedra helix "Variegata" 132 Heliconia "Dwarf" 133 Heliconia new varities 134 Heliconia illustris Yellow variegata Butterfly ginger lily Caricature plant

135 Heliconia illustris "Rubricaulis" 136 Heliconia psittacorum 137 Heliconia rostata 138 Hemigraphis colorata 139 Hemigraphis colorata "Nana" 140 Hibiscus mutablis 141 Hibiscus Hawain Varities 142 Hibiscus rosa-sinansis "Snow flake" 143 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "A varieties" 144 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis "Cooperi" 145 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis lefrance 146 Hydrangea macrophylla 147 Hymenocallis caribaea

Red Parrot flower Hanging lobster claw Red ivy Narrow leaf Changing rose

Variegata leaf

Multicolour leaf

Spider Lilly

148 Hymenocallis Variegata 149 Ilexaquifolium 150 Impations assorted varieties 151 Iresine herbstii 152 Iresine herbstii aureo-reticulata 153 Ixora chinensis "Nana red" 154 Ixora chinensis 155 Ixora chinensis "Nana lutea" 156 Ixora chinensis "Nana pink" 157 Ixora chinensis "Nana white" 158 Ixora coccinea 159 Ixora coccinea "New red" 160 Ixora coccinea "New pink" Chinese Ixora Yellow dwarf Purplish red leaf Yellow veins English Holly

161 Ixora coccinea "New yellow" 162 Ixora duffi 163 Ixora singaporansis 164 Jasminum pubescens rubescens 165 Jasminum sambac "Japanese rai" 166 Jasminum sambac "Motia" 167 Jatropha multifida 168 Jatropha panduraefolia 169 Jatropha panduraefolia "Rosea" 170 Jatropha podagrica 171 Jacobinia carnea 172 Juniperous erecta 173 Juniperus varigated Red Pink Red jasmine Jasmine 7 round Jasmine round

174 Justicia aurea 175 Juniperus horizontalis glauca 176 Kopsia fruiticosa(Cerbera fruticosa) 177 Lagestroemia indica aliporensis 178 Lagestroemia indica candida 179 Lagestroemia indica rosea 180 Lagestroemia lancasteri 181 Lantana camara Shrub 182 Lantana camara depressa 183 Lantana camara dwarf varieties 184 Lantana camara nivea 185 Lantana camara saguinea 186 Lantana camara variegate White shrub Orange with red Red & Yellow varigata Drooping yellow Creeper juniper Shrub vinca Cape myrtle White Rose

187 Lantana sellowiana 188 Lantana sellowiana white 189 Lawsonia inermis alba 190 Leea coccinea 191 Leea coccinea rubra 192 Lemonia Spectabilis 193 Loropetalum Chinensis 194 Leucophyllum Frutescens 195 Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum' 196 Magnolia grandiflora 197 Magnolia mutablis 198 Magnolia pumila 199 Malpighia "Gold"

Drooping mauve

Tree mignonette, Heena Green

Chinese olive leaves Purple bell flower Chinese silver privet

200 Malpighia coccigera 201 Malvaviscus arboreus 202 Manihot esculenta variegata 203 Murraya exotica 204 Murraya paniculata 205 Mussaenda erythrophylla 206 Mussaenda erythrophylla rosea 207 Mussaenda erythrophylla scarlet 208 Mussaenda lutea 209 Mussaenda orange 210 Mussaenda philippica aurorae 211 Nerium oleander assorted colors 212 Nerium oliander dwarf White Single red Pink Red Yellow Chinese box

213 Nicolaia elatior 214 Nerium oliander variegatum plenum 215 NYcatanthus arbortristis verigeta 216 Nycatanthus arbortristis 217 Ochna Kirkii 218 Ocimum Basilium 219 Ocimum sanctum 220 Odontonema strictum 221 Oncoba spinosa 222 Ophiopogon jaburan variegata 223 Ophiopogon japonicus dwarf 224 Ophiopogon planiscapus Green 225 Osmoxylon lineare aureum

Torch Ginger red, white

Parijath Parijath Mickymouse plant Thai siam queen Tulsi Justecia red Fried egg flower Variegata leaf Green dwarf

Yellow long leaved arelia

226 Otacanthus caeruleus 227 Pachystachys lutea 228 Pandanus sanderi 229 Pandanus dubias variegata 230 Pandanus sanderi 231 Pedilanthus tithym variegata 232 Pelargonium inquinas 233 Pelargonium peltatum 234 Pennisetum sataceum cupreum 235 Pentas lanceolata alba 236 Pentas assorted varities 237 Pepromia carperata 238 Pepromia carperata variegata

Brazilian snapdrogon Lollipop plant

Fat boy variegata Pandanus dwarf Japanese poinsettia Geranium bush Ivy geranium Red fountain grass White

Emerald ripple Variegeta ripple

239 Pepromia cluslifolia variegata' 240 Pepromia obtusifolia variegata 241 Pereskia "Gold" 242 Petrea arborea 243 Phyllanthus nivosus compacta 244 Phyllanthus nivosus roseopicta 245 Phyllanthus nivosus[Breynia nivosa] 246 Phyllostachys aurea 247 Pilea microphylla 248 Pisonia alba 249 Pittosporum tobira variegata 250 Plectranthus 251 Plumbago auriculata alba Variegata mock orange Variegata mint leaf White Snow bush compecta Pink leaf Snow bush Golden bamboo

252 Plumbego auriculata[capansis] 253 Podocarpus falcatus 254 Pogonatherum extase 255 Pogonatherum extase variegata 256 Polyseias varieties (Aralias) 257 Portulaca grandiflora 258 Pseuderanthemum raticulatum 259 Punica granatum "Flore-Pleno" 260 Punica granatum nana 261 Quassia amara 262 Ravenia spectabilis 263 Ravenia spectabilis variegata 264 Reinwardtia trigyna [indica]

Cape leade wort[blue]

Bamboo grass Bamboo grass variegata

Sun plant or rose moss Yellow oblong leaf Flowering Pomegranate Pomegranate dwarf Bitterwood

265 Ruttya fruticosa 266 Ruellia brittonia 267 Rhoeo spathacea (discolour ) compacta 268 Rhoeo spathacea 269 Rhoeo spathacea Tricolour compacta 270 Rhoeo spathacea Gold 271 Rondeletia odorata 272 Ruelia rosea 273 Ruellia devosiana 274 Russelia junicea "Orange" 275 Russellia juncea "White" 276 Russelia sarmentosa[floribunda] 277 Saintpaulia ionantha rupicola

Orange bird Desert petonia

Coral plant Coral plant Coral blow African violet Sage

278 Salvia officinalis 279 Sanchezia nobilis 280 Sanseviera trifasciata 281 Schizochendran elegans 282 Sanseviera trifasciata golden hahnii 283 Scindapsus aureus 284 Senecio cineraria 285 Serissa foetida [japonica] 286 Serissa foetida variegate 287 Setcreasea purpurea 288 Strelitzia reginae 289 Stanotaphrum secandatum variegatus 290 Strobilanthus larsonii Bird of paraise Variegata grass Cineraria Golden hahnii Snake plant,mother-in-law tongue Marble queen

291 Strobilanthes dyerianus 292 Tabernaemontana coronaira 293 Tabernaemontana coronaria flore-pleno 294 Tabernaemontana coronaria dwarf 295 Tabernaemontana coronaria dwarf yellow 296 Tabernaemontana coronaria variegata 297 Tabernaemontana coronaria miniature 298 Tecoma gaudichaudi 299 Tecoma Smithi 300 Tecoma stans 301 Tecomaria capensis yellow 302 Tecomaria capensis gold 303 Ternera ulmifolia

Cape jasmine Double

Cape-honeysuckle west indian holly

304 Tecomaria capensis orange 305 Thevetia nerifolea 306 Thumbergia erecta(Meyenia erecta) 307 Tradescantia albiflora "Alborvittata" 308 Tradescantia aluminensis "Variegata" 309 Verbena 310 Vinca major variegate 311 Vinca rosea varieties 312 Weddelia tribolata 313 Yucca aloifolia 314 Yucca aloifolia "Silver stick" 315 Zamioculas zamifolia 316 Zingiber zerumbet Wild ginger,sponge ginger Jamaica sago Bluebell

317 Zebrina pendula 318 Zephyranthes Varieties top top Pencil Lily

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 top Botanical Name Cinnamomum zeylanicum Myristica fragrans Pimenta officinalis Piper nigra Syzigium aromaticum Amomum cardamomum Common Name Cinnamon Nutmeg Graft All spice Pepper Clove Cardamomum


Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 top top

Botanical Name Adiantum raddianum Adiantum tenerum "Wrightii" Asplenium nidus Blechnum gibbum Cyathea arborea Nephrolepis biserrata "Furcans" Nephrolepis biserrata "Miniata" Nephrolepis exaltata "Childsii" Nephrolepis exaltata "Compacta" Nephrolepis exaltata "Gold" Nephrolepis exaltata "Muscosa"

Common Name Maidenhair fern Fan maidenhair Bird nest fern Mexican tree fern Indian tree fern Bostern fern

Dwarf fern Golden fern


Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Botanical Name Arecastrum ramanzoffianum [Cocos plumose] Caryota mitis Caryota urens Chamaedora costaricana [Cerforthiana elegans] Chamaedora elegans Chameadora metallica Chrysalidocarpus lutesens [Arecalutecens] Cyrtostachys renda Howeia species Latania verschaffeltii Licuala grandis Licuala spinsosa

Common Name Queen palm Cluster fishtail palm Fishtail palm Showy bamboo palm Porior palm Miniature fishtail palm Butterfly palm Sealing wax palm Kentia palm Yellow latan Ruffled fan palm Spiny fan palm

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Livistona chinensis Livistona rotundifolia Mascarena lagenicaulis Neodypsis decaryi Phoenix x species [speciman] Phoenix roebelenii Pritchardia pacifica Ravenea rivularis Rhapis excelsa (Bushy) Rhapis humalis (Bushy) Roystonea regia Stevensonia grandiflora Thrinax microcarpa [morrissii]

Chinese fan palm Table palm Bottle [Shampaign] palm Triangular palm

Pigmy date palm Fiji fan palm Feather palm Lady palm Slender lady palm Royal palm Phoenicophorium Borisigianum Key palm

26 27 top top

Washingtonia filifera Wodetia bifurcate *

Petty coat Foxtail Palm

Sl.No 1 2 3 4 top Botanical Name Cynodon dactylon Festuca ovina glauca Lolium Species Paspalum notatum Common Name Bermuda grass (Per bag) Kentaki blue grass (Per bag) Mexican grass (Per Sq. ft) Shade or Buffalo grass (Per bag)

Ornamental , Decorative , Foliage & Flower Plants

Sl.No Botanical Name 1 Aglaonema parrot jungle Common Name

2 Aglaonema 'Earnesto favourite 3 Aglaonema commutatum 4 Aglaonema dove 5 Aglaonema pseudobracteatum 6 Aglaonema river side 7 Aglaonema silver king 8 Aglaonema silver queen 9 Alocasia cuprea 10 Alocasia amazonica 11 Alocasia macrorhiza Variegata 12 Alocasia sanderiana 13 Alpinia rubra 14 Alpinia zerumbet Variegata Var. shell ginger Kris plant Gaint caladium Golden evergreen Silver colour leaf

15 Ananas comosus Variegata 16 Anthurium andraeanum Hybrid 17 Begonia semperflorens 18 Caladium hortulanum 19 Calathea makoyana 20 Calathea ornate roseo 21 Calathea rufibarba 22 Calathea zebrina (Maranta zebrine) 23 Carex "Light Blight" 24 Carex "Little Red" 25 Codiaeum var.Bangalore Beauty 26 Codiaeum variegatum "Crispum" 27 Codiaeum variegatum "Excellent" Dwarf narrow leaf Peacock plant

28 Codiaeum variegatum "Reena 29 Codiaeum variegatum "Monalisa" 30 Codiaeum variegatum "Narma" 31 Codiaeum variegatum "Petra" 32 Codiaeum var. "Punctatum aureum" 33 Cordyline terminalis "Baby Ti" 34 Cordyline terminalis "Bhaskara" 35 Cordyline terminalis "Fire Brand" 36 Cordyline terminalis "My Darling" 37 Cordyline terminalis "New Red" 38 Cordyline terminalis "Pink Margin" 39 Cordyline terminalis "Rainbow" 40 Dahlia pinnata Hybrids Mahatma Yellow spotted leaf Baby doll Braove

41 Dieffenbachia amoena "High colour" 42 Dieffenbachia amoena "Tropic snow" 43 Dieffenbachia exotica 44 Dieffenbachia mariana compacta 45 Dieffenbachia Saturn 46 Draceana deremensis "Compacta" 47 Draceana deremensis "Warnecki" 48 Draceana fragrans "Massangeana" 49 Draceana fragrans "Victoriae" 50 Draceana godseffiana "Florida Beauty" 51 Draceana godseffiana "Milky Way" 52 Draceana marginata 53 Draceana marginata "Colorama" Red Calypso queen Tropical topaz White spotted

54 Draceana marginata "Tricolor" 55 Draceana scanderiana 56 Draceana sanderiana "Lutea" 57 Draceana compacta New Varieties 58 Ficus "A-1 gold" 59 Ficus benghalensis 60 Ficus benghalensis 'Variegata 61 Ficus benjamena "Mini Com.pacta " 62 Ficus benjamena "Mini Compacta Var." 63 Ficus benjamina 'Black' 64 Ficus benjamina 'Golden King' 65 Ficus benjamina 'Mini Compecta' 66 Ficus benjamina 'Prestige'

Tricolor White Yellow

Banyan tree

67 Ficus benjamina 'Reginold' 68 Ficus benjamina 'Starlight' 69 Ficus benjamina 'Variegata' 70 Ficus elastica 'Robusta' 71 Ficus elastica 'Rubra' 72 Ficus elastica 'Tinakii' 73 Melaleuca leucandendron 74 Melaleuca "Gold Crust" 75 Monestra deliciosa 76 Monestra deliciosa "Albo-variegata" 77 Philodendran selloum 78 Philodendran selloum hope 79 Philodendran "Black Cardinal" Cut leaves Green Black Variegata Green

80 Philodendran "Ceylon gold" 81 Philodendran "Emarald King" 82 Philodendran "Moon shine" 83 Philodendran "Painted Lady" 84 Philodendran "Pluto" 85 Philodendran "Wendlandii" 86 Philodendran "Zenadu" 87 Pleomele reflexa 88 Pleomele reflexa variegata 89 Schefflera arboricola 90 Schefflera arboricola "High color" 91 Scheflera arboricola "Variegata" 92 Spathiphyllum Big leaf

93 Spathiphyllum "Maunoloa" 94 Spathiphyllum "Miniature" 95 Spathiphyllum "Variegata" 96 Spathiphyllum sensation Gaint 97 Syngonium New yellow 98 Syngonium podophyllum "Butterfly" 99 Syngonium podophyllum "Infrared" 100 Zamioculca zamiifolia top top

Sl.No Botanical Name 1 Adenocalymma comosum 2 Allamanda hybrid Common Name yellow garlic creeper

3 Allamanda catharticc'Hendersonii' 4 Allamanda catharticc'Williamsii' 5 Allamanda nerifolia 6 Allamanda violacea 7 Allamanda violacea hybride 8 Amphilophium mutisii 9 Anemopaegma chamberlaynii 10 Antigonon leptopus 11 Aristolochia elegans 12 Artabotrys odoratissimus 13 Banisteria laevifolia 14 Beaumontia grandiflora 15 Bignonia purpurea

Golden trumpt

Butter cup flower purple flower Large flower

yellow trumpet vine Coral vine Calico flower Champa green

Nepal Trumpt creeper Bignonia magnifica

16 Bignonia gracilis 17 Bougainvillea buttiana 'Lady Mary Baring' 18 Bougainvillea buttiana 'Mahara' 19 Bougainvillea buttiana 'Mohan' 20 Bougainvillea buttiana ' Scarlet Queen Variegata 21 Bougainvillea glabra 22 Bougainvillea peruviana 'Odissi 23 Bougainvillea peruviana 'Partha ' 24 Bougainvillea peruviana 'Subhra' 25 Bougainvillea peruviana ' Thimma' 26 Campsis radicans 27 Clematis gouriana 28 Clerodendrum splendens

29 Clerodendrum thompsonae 30 Clerodendrum speciosum 31 Clerodendrum thompsonae 'Balfouri' 32 Clitoria ternatea(single blue) 33 Congea tomentosa 34 Combertum coccineum 35 Combertum comosum 36 Cryptostegia grandiflora 37 Ficus pumila 38 Holmskioldia sanguinea 39 Holmskioldia sanguinea 'Lutea' 40 Hoya carnosa 41 Ipomea bervavieusis

Bleeding heart vine

Bleeding heart vine red Butterfly pea

Orange flower Red flower Indian rubber vine Wall sticker Cup & Saucer (Red) CUp & Saucer (yellow) Princess vine Candyking

42 Ipomea palmata 43 Ipomoea purpurea 44 Ipomoea horsfalliae 45 Ipomoea tuberosa 46 Jacquemontia violacea 47 Jasminum auriculatum 48 Jasminum flexile 49 Jasminum grandiflourum 50 Jasminum officinale 51 Jasminum sessiliflorum 52 Lonicera japonica 53 Mandevilla sanderi 54 Mandevilla splendens Honey suclke Pink double Red Jaji malli Suji malli Common morning glory Crimson ipomea Wood rose

55 Mandevilla boliviens 56 Mucuna bennetti 57 Pandorea jasminoides 58 Passiflora caerulea 59 Passiflora hybride 60 Passiflora quadrangularis 61 Passiflora coccinea 62 Petrea volubilis 63 Porana paniculata 64 Pseudocalymma alliaceum 65 Pyrostegia venusta 66 Quisqualis indica 67 Quisqualis indica 'Double'


Tecomma jasminoides passion flower blue

passion flower large passion flower red purple wreath Bridal creeper Garlic vine Golden shower Rangoon creeper Rangoon creeper double

68 Senecio confusus 69 Solanum seaforthianum 70 Solanum wendlandii 71 Strophanthus grandiflorus 72 Strongyloden macrobotrys 73 Tecomma jasminoides 74 Tecomma rosea 75 Thunbergia alata 76 Thunbergia laurifolia 77 Thunbergia fragrans 78 Thunbergia grandiflora 79 Thunbergia mysorensis 80 Tracheleospermum josminoides

Mexican flame vine Star potato vine Paradise flower Climbing oleander Jade vine

Tecomma climbing pink Black eyed vine Thunbergia blue White Large white Thunbergia orange

81 Tristellateia australis 82 Urichites lutea 83 Vallaris heynei 84 Vernonia elaeagnifolia top Home | About Us | Gallery | Catalogue | Terms & Cnditions | Enquiry | Contact Us Swamy Nursery & Florist . All Rights Reserved (Terms of Use)

Rhincospermum Yellow buttercup creeper

Curtain creeper

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