Cedrus deodara Himalayan cedar, Deodar cedar


Cedrus deodara Himalayan cedar, Deodar cedar

Fast-growing tree that has one main trunk that grows straight with later branches and pendulous twigs at the end. As a result, the tree, particularly young ones, develops a decorative crown shape that is at first broad and pyramidal, but later flattens out as it grows. In the Himalayas, its natural habitat, the tree can grow to heights of 60 - 70 m. In England, it grows to approximately 30 m, and on the continent no higher than 20 m. The needles grow in groups, with up to 30 bundled together. They are slightly curved, dark blue-green and longer than other Cedar species. The ovoid, upright cones grow singly or in pairs and have a round top. Saplings are particularly sensitive to frost, requiring a sunny site sheltered from wind. Cedrus deodara does not thrive well in high-pH soils.
Our trees can only be planted when they don't have any leaves. Due to the this we will start delivering again from noviembre 2024.
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15 - 20 (30) m, 50 - 70 m in region of origin, fast growing
broad pyramidal when young, later broad, flattened, corymbose, dark, dense crown
Corteza y ramas
first grey and smooth, later becoming rough
needles in bundles, dark bluish green, 2.5 - 5 cm , evergreen
unremarkable, fragrant flowers
reddish brown cones, 8 - 12 cm, 1 to 2 together
no suele ser tóxico para las personas, las mascotas (grandes) y el ganado
Tipo de suelo
nutrient-rich, well-permeable, acidic soils
Requisitos de colocación
No soporta el pavimento
resistencia a las heladas
7b (-14,9 a -12,3 °C)
Resistencia al viento
avenidas y calles anchas, zona industrial
árbol de tronco alto, conífera de tronco alto, conífera solitaria
Himalayan mountains
conífera de tronco alto árbol de tronco alto conífera solitaria sustrato ácido suelo arcilloso sustrato arcilloso suelos de turba suelos arenosos No soporta el pavimento amantes de la luz pirámide ancha 1er tamaño: más de 12 metros de alto Corona densa verde azulado verde verde brote temprano de rápido crecimiento no venenoso (normal) flores aromáticas
Posiblemente de su interés
Preguntas frecuentes
Cedrus deodara

Cedrus deodara can eventually reach a height of 15 - 20 (30) m, 50 - 70 m in region of origin, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

Cedrus deodara is de rápido crecimiento and can eventually reach a height of 15 - 20 (30) m, 50 - 70 m in region of origin, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.

The right time to plant Cedrus deodara is during the dormancy period. In Western Europe, Cedrus deodara with root balls can generally be planted from mid-November to late April, although this depends strongly on the climatic conditions and the species of tree.
