How much would you pay for the last brand-new Lancer Evo X in Canada?

By Colin Wood
Aug 5, 2021 | Mitsubishi, Lancer, Evolution X

Photography Courtesy Baywest Mitsubishi

If you had 150,000 Canadian dollars (about $119,560) to spend on a brand-new car, what would you buy? A BMW M2 Competition Coupe? A Porsche Taycan? A fleet of Miatas? How about a six-year-old Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X?

That’s right, a dealership in Ontario, Canada is asking 147,899CAD for a still-new Evo X.

Granted, it’s number 350 of 350 Final Edition models imported into Canada, but with a price tag of 147,899CAD (roughly $117,880), that’s 98,000CAD over MSRP–about 93,000CAD if you count inflation. (In U.S. dollars, that’s about $78,148 over MSRP, or $43,928 counting inflation.)

[Tech Tips: 2007–’15 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution]

Is that price tag worth owning a piece of Mitsubishi history–as the dealership calls it–or a lot of money that could be better spent on any number of new go-fast cars currently on the market?

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David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
8/4/21 1:50 p.m.

If we were talking about something like a brand-new Evo V...

ultraclyde UltimaDork
8/4/21 1:55 p.m.

'Bout tree fiddy. 

I've been around too many three-diamonds to give more than $5.

Advan046 UltraDork
8/5/21 11:50 a.m.

That is probably for the super wealthy investor. Per a local mitsubishi only used parts dealer near me, there has been a strong pull of any Mitsubishi evolution parts to wealthy parts of China and the Gulf regions. With regards to this last of all Mitsubishi Lancer Evolutions (in sedan form) to visit our realm of existence? The price may not be out of line given the potential it will have much more value in 2070. 

AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter)
AnthonyGS (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
8/5/21 3:51 p.m.

I'd love to get an EVO and use it for rallycross but the prices scare me off completely.  I've looked and I just can't do it.

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